Joseph J. Strout

...more than you ever wanted to know

This site is designed and maintained by yours truly, Joe Strout. Here's some information about me for the truly curious (or bored) web-surfer.

Contact Information

Work Phone: 858-558-6853
ICQ#: 8108050


A.B. (Honors) in Psychology (Minor in Mathematics) from Miami University in Oxford, OH. May 1994.

M.S. in Neuroscience from the University of California, San Diego. June 1997.

For more information, see my resumé (now a bit outdated).


I'm the founder and current CEO of Verified Express, LLC, a company whose heartfelt goal is to fix all the world's e-mail problems.

Research Interests

In my previous work, I pursued a graduate career in neuroscience. Here's a description of the sort of thing I used to do:

I have been interested in artificial neural networks for many years. In particular, I have developed an algorithm for learning temporal sequences of patterns, and a model of classical conditioning. Lately, I have grown more interested in biologically realistic neural modeling.

At Miami University, I was involved in psychophysical experimentation and computational modeling related to human motion perception. We developed a two-channel motion model to account for various effects of the interframe interval in a two-frame apparent motion stimulus.

In my first year of graduate school (at the University of California, San Diego), I spent a quarter in each of several labs. These included the Computational Neurobiology Lab under Terrence Sejnowski, and physiological work on the medicinal leech under Bill Kristan. I also spent a couple years at the National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research, under the direction of Mark Ellisman, and another year studying the electrophysiology of displaced retinal ganglion cells (a particular subpopulation of neurons in the retina).


Computer programming has been my primary hobby and occasional occupation, and is now my full-time career. In addition to the Applesoft programs included under Publications, I have written various utilities for VMS, DOS, and Macintosh. Many of the VMS utilities are written in FORTRAN because that was the only language available to me at the time. The DOS programs were written with C or C++; older Mac programs were written with Think C or C++. (I have some handy C++ classes and MacOS code which are free for personal use.) All my new projects are done in REALbasic.



My spouse, Michelle Mills Strout, and my brother, Dave Strout, are both on the web.

I've also started collecting information on my family tree. Genealogists and potential relatives will find a host of useful info there.
Last Updated: 10/05/06 . . . . . .